venerdì 24 maggio 2013
VINNIE PERINOTTO Traveling Musician and Photographer
Vinicio Perinotto, better known simply as Vinnie, is a guitarist, a singer and a wanderer with twenty years of experience on the road behind him. During the years his passion for music and for travelling lead him to perform in beautiful places and in a great number of cities in over twenty different countries, among them: Barcelona,Nice, Cannes, Marseille, London, Perpignan, Denver, Golden, Ft. Collins, Boulder (Colorado), Venice Beach (California), Nevada, Flagstaff and Grand Canyon (Arizona), Albuquerque (New Mexico), Kansas, Venice, Rome, Florence, Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro, Oristano, Gallipoli, Budapest, Vienna, Krakow, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal, Mali, Losinj, Cres, Valun, Rovinj, Opatija (Croatia), Cancun, Puerto Aventuras (Mexico), Samanà (Dominican Republic), Sousse (Tunisia), Margarita Island (Venezuela), Cape Verde, Egypt, Morocco.
Vinnie is an complete artist, have the ability to create with your own voice a pathos, with his music manages to break down barriers and prejudice, gives emotion, intimacy and feeling.
He is a romantic minstrel and his nomad experience and lifestyle are precious knowledge of the peoples of the Earth.
In 2003 he published his first solo CD “Vinicio” in English. Afterwards in 2004 he published the cover CD “Street Jam" and finally in 2010 came “Neanche un raggio di sole”, his third album and the first one in Italian.
The fourth album is in phase of recording and will be published very soon.
Vinnie really loves music and he has the skill to create a magic atmosphere in its purest dimension enchanting every type of audience. Actually he is engaged in different projects, all in the music sector and also with his new Vinnie Perry Band with whom he uses live the KLD and Crafter products.
Official site:
sabato 18 maggio 2013
DLVGATOR Launch new blog on VK Community!
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new blog on Russian Social Network VK dedicated to exposing the best Rock bands to East Europe's youth netsurfer.
VK is the largest European social network with over a 100 million active users.
VK is the most visited site in Eastern Europe.
It has over 46 million average daily users. Headquarters in St Petersburg Russia.
We promote and deliver all our Band and Record Labels news, images, links, video and other to all VK's users
venerdì 17 maggio 2013
SILENCE OATH interview and CD compilation on SLOWLY WE ROT Fanzine #3 issue
We are proud to inform that We have worked for the extreme metal band SILENCE OATH and arranged interview and participation in CD compilation on SLOWLY WE ROT Fanzine #3 issue.
The song included on Fanzine and CD titled "Forgotten graves" is a strong and obscure Death Metal gem, song from the debut album "Beneath a Bleeding Sky" published by Invincible Records.
SLOWLY WE ROT #3 is out now, 64 pages, A4 format, glossy paper, professional print
Picture from phone
For the first time the zine comes together with a free A3 poster, too!
SILENCE OATH "Forgotten graves" form Youtube
Band Facebook page
Band page
Label page
sabato 11 maggio 2013
DEFOX RECORDS announce the deal with HEART ATTACK
DEFOX RECORDS and HEART OF STEEL RECORDS are proud to announce the debut EP of HEART ATTACK, great Melodic Hard Rock band from Greece!
HEART ATTACK is a Hard 'n' Heavy band from Greece ispirated to 80's-early 90's Hard Rock sound but also melodic songs straight from the heart for those who care...
They were formed back in the dawn of 2010 by singer George Drimilis (ex-Raging Storm) and Stergios Ntikos on drums.
They have played many live shows sharing the stage with bands such as Cloven Hoof, Newman, Outloud, Work of Art, George Gakis, Danger Angel, Wild Rose, Konkurent, Hungry Heart, Secret Illusion, Crimson Fire, Wild Machine, Dark Horizon, X-Piral, Thelemite etc. always in a party mood which the audience seem to appreciate by supporting the band right from the start!
By June of 2012 they released a 4 tracks EP titled "Heart Attack" and they are currently working on some new songs for their debut album which can be expected sometime within 2014.
The digital EP will be available on every digital worldwide webstores, ITunes, Spotify, Amazon, Emusic, Nokia...early June, 2013!
Current members of HEART ATTACK are:
George Drimilis: Vocals
Steve G.: Guitars
Lila Moka: Keyboards/Backing vocals
Nikos Michalakakos: Bass
Peter Petrov: Drums
Courtesy by Youtube
1.Tell Me
2.Playing with Fire
3.Falling Apart
4.Chase the Dream
Facebook band HERE
DVLGATOR Video Promotion: RECATTIVO has won multiple awards!!
We are proud to announce that RECATTIVO "Senza Respiro"(Digital Single, DeFox Records/Eur Records 2013) has won multiple BEAT100 awards!!
Song Award Gold, awarded for a well written original song.
Favourite Award Silver, awarded for being one of the BEAT100 team's favourite videos.
Video Award Silver, awarded for a high quality original video with good production values.
The full lenght album of italian rockers intitled "Recattivo", contains 14 tracks and now is available in the digital market.
RECATTIVO formed in Padova in 2011 and they are proud of playing rock "Made in Italy".
Band Facebook HERE
DEFOX RECORDS announce the debut album of ANASTASIO FARINI
DEFOX RECORDS and HEART OF STEEL RECORDS are pleased to announce the debut album of ANASTASIO FARINI, great guitarist from Greece!
The album titled "Lil' Angel" will be available on every digital worldwide webstores, ITunes, Spotify, Amazon, Emusic, May 20th, 2013!
Anastasio Farini was born in Thessaloniki (Greece).
In early age he started taking classical guitar lessons and completed his studies in music theory.
His love towards rock'n'roll led him to start playing electric guitar and form his first band called White Rose.
Was sixteen years old, he play live gigs in several venues, gaining air play from radio stations and a recognition as an upcoming guitar talent through Greek Metal Hammer Magazine.
He have influences in guitar virtuoso like Yngwie Malmsteen, John Norum, Chris Impellitteri, Steve Vai,and many more, led him to create a more melodic personal playing and sound.
Since then he has collaborated with many singers and bands as a member or as a session musician.

Also Anastasio Farini cooperate with great singers wherever they in turn gave them their own mark in the final result.
At " Lil'Angel "song Anastasio Farini featuring with the Greek singer Dean Mess (W.A.N.T.E.D)
-" Sweet Lovin' Girl " song featuring with the great melodic singer Rob Mancini
-" Anytime All The Time " song featuring with the amazing singer from Sweden Pelle Saether (Grand Design)
-" Brother To Brother " song with the idol legendary from England Reuben Archer (Stampede, cult band of the NWOBHM)
- " I Will Be Loving You Forever "and " Like My Way Of Love " songs with the fantastic performer from Australia Darren Grant (Eruption,Daz Of Oz)
-" Wild Boyz " (cover song from Duran Duran) with the biggest Greek Rock Star George Gakis. and in the instrumental songs " The Phantom Of The Opera " (cover from famous Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical ) " Prelude " with the great maestro and keyboardist from George Gakis band Panagiotis Voulgaris, also in the song " Lil' Angel" Anastasio Farini featuring with the Greek maestro and keyboardist player Giannis Giouras.
Anastasio Farini "Lil'Angel "official video
The others musicians who cooperate with Anastasio Farini in the album are :
Kostas Domenikiotis (Bass)
Giannis Katis (Drums)
Christos Gougoumas (Keys)
and with these musicians appear on lives.
The lyrics of all the songs written by Vicky Bek,except from the song "Brother To Brother" which written from Reuben Archer.
The mixing and the mastering are from Ghayath Samman (Rias).
The great cover design are from George (Snaki) and Sofi (Heaven) from BeRock Radio
Photos are from the photographer Alexandros Didonis
DEAFLOCK "Courage to expose all" is NOW available!!
We want to inform that is now available in every biggest worldwide digital stores the albums of DEAFLOCK, great extreme Metal band from Japan!
Deaflock is an old school thrash metal group formed in Nagoya in 2000, after the demo called simply "Deaflock" and the participation to a compilation "Earthquake A.G.M" the band publish "Reality Of False Pasts",the first album of the group which was showing the old school attitude.
Now the band presents new album titled "Courage to expose all" that contains 9 songs in vein of furious Thrash'n'Death sound, fast and aggressive, listen the explosive riffs of Junichi, the earthquake's drums of Kazuhiro and the wild vocals of Koichiro.
Deaflock is an old school thrash metal group formed in Nagoya in 2000, after the demo called simply "Deaflock" and the participation to a compilation "Earthquake A.G.M" the band publish "Reality Of False Pasts",the first album of the group which was showing the old school attitude.
Now the band presents new album titled "Courage to expose all" that contains 9 songs in vein of furious Thrash'n'Death sound, fast and aggressive, listen the explosive riffs of Junichi, the earthquake's drums of Kazuhiro and the wild vocals of Koichiro.
DEFOX RECORDS announce the ECLECTIC SPAWN's second album titled “Fractalis”
DEFOX RECORDS & INVINCIBLE RECORDS are pleased to announce the second album “Fractalis” of ECLECTIC SPAWN recorded in 2007, but has not yet been released by a record label.
This is once again a conceptual album, and it concerns the old concepts of Greek philosophers.
On this album, Aldo Krilin, Alejandro Melo (Sabacthani) and César del Aguila collaborated with vocals. Gonzalo Becerril and Jovany López Martinez did their part on synthesizers. Yet again, Martin Martinez played all the instruments.
Very soon on digital market on ITunes, Spotify, Amazon, Emusic, Nokia...
official site:
Official band Facebook HERE
PREMIERE: MINDFUEL video-single "Time to change"
Exclusive premiere of the new MINDFUEL's video-single "Time to change", the same titled album is scheduled in May 20th.
"Time to change" contains 12 songs, really strong in vein of the traditional metal meet epic sound, as Saxon, Iron Maiden, Nightwish, Edguy, Avantasia...
"Time to change" contains 12 songs, really strong in vein of the traditional metal meet epic sound, as Saxon, Iron Maiden, Nightwish, Edguy, Avantasia...
martedì 7 maggio 2013
THE ROCK'N'ROLL KAMIKAZES new album is NOW available!!
DEFOX Records/GO DOWN records
We want to inform that is now available in every biggest worldwide digital stores the albums of THE ROCK'N'ROLL KAMIKAZES.
All Kinds Of People is the Rock'n'Roll Kamikazes' second album and somehow they've matured without losing any of the rock'n'roll. After the loss of sax player Guy Portoghese (Guy e Gli Specialisti/Gruppo Sanguinio) have come bouncing back with new recruit Eugenio Pritelli (Horrible Porno Stuntmen) and the first thing you notice is a more modern sound, while paying a healthy tribute to the mother of rock'n'roll-the blues-
The album is full big chewey guitar-riffs and melodies that follow you home on a dark night! Peppe DeGregoriis and Nicolò Fiore lay down a solid rhythm on which singer Andy Macfarlane hollers out his inner reflections on life-as-we-know-it while dueling with guitarist Eugenio Pritelli with highly dangerous 6-string firearms!
It's got blues, it's got soul and a whole lot of rock'n'roll and the Kamikazes are sure your going to like it. This Divine Wind just keeps on blowin'!
domenica 5 maggio 2013
DVL Gator Bureau, NEWS, Advertising, Press Bureau, offering special promotional solutions, Creative comunication, Strategic consulting, No-conventional marketing services...
“Sinergia e Strategia per lo sviluppo creativo di comunicazione”
Offre servizi di consulenza strategica, innovazione di prodotto, promozione, packaging, graphic design, comunicazione, marketing non convenzionale.
Siamo una struttura flessibile e dinamica, competente, con forte personalità e professionalità.
Le nostre aree di attività (promozione, strategia e creatività) consentono di gestire l’intero ciclo dei singoli progetti, dalla definizione della strategia, allo studio creativo del sistema di comunicazione.
• comunicazione incisiva, idee e innovazione.
• Ufficio stampa e promozione telematica per tutti i vostri prodotti e servizi.
• Realizzazione Comunicati, messaggi promozionali, recensioni, Newsletters…
• Realizzazione grafica di banners promozionali (statici o dinamici), creazione Logo o marchi.
• Realizzazione, duplicazione e stampa di CD-R, Dvd-R promozionali
• Realizzazione Electronic Press Kit con files mp3 o altro (ripping, conversione, immagini in jpg, pdf
• Inserimento Electronic Press Kit in Area storage con accesso riservato con user e password
• Costruzione ed inserimento on line di mini-siti web, pagine myspace, pagine facebook.
• Inserimento files audio in piattaforma digitale per la commercializzazione
• Inserimento files audio in compilation CD o Web e/o CD in allegato a riviste del settore
• Inserimento video files in Dvd compilation, WebTv, Video Box, Youtube…
• Inserimento di news, banners e quant’altro ritenuto opportuno per la promozione in un NETWORK on line (composto da una ventina di siti tematici, rivolti ad un target giovane e appassionato).
• Mantenere e fare aggiornamenti ai siti internet, alle pagine myspace, alle pagine face book con inserimento dati, foto, audio clip, video e quant’altro ritenuto opportuno, inserimento messaggi in forum e blogs tematici.
• Invio materiale promozionale ai media in Italia e all’estero
• Invio materiale promozionale attraverso nostri partners Office in UK, in Germania, in Usa e America Latina
Official site:
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